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Special English又叫“慢速英语”,是VOA电台专为全世界非英语国家的初学英语的听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语广播节目。它始于50年代末,是VOA电台的专家们研究如何与世界各地的英语学习者时行交际的产物,开播之后迅速覆盖全球,在世界广泛内产生了广泛影响。


类型 文件名 更新时间 大小
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):“道路”的多种词汇表达.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.0M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):“道路”的多种词汇表达.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.5K
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):“Strong”到底形容人还是国家还是?.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.5M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):“Strong”到底形容人还是国家还是?.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.1K
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):“task”和“assignment”的区别.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.9M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):“task”和“assignment”的区别.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.0K
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):连词“and”、“but”和“or”能放在句首吗?.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.0M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):连词“and”、“but”和“or”能放在句首吗?.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.2K
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):-nutrition-和-nutrient-的区别.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.4K
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):its是所有格形容词,你会用吗?.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.4M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):its是所有格形容词,你会用吗?.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.3K
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):nutrition和nutrient的区别.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.8M
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):security和safety有什么区别?.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.2M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):security和safety有什么区别?.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.1K
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):technology和technique的区别和用法.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.4M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):technology和technique的区别和用法.txt 30-Sep-2022 3.9K
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):then和than你会搞混吗?.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.1M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):then和than你会搞混吗?.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.5K
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):try和attempt的区别和用法.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.6M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):try和attempt的区别和用法.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.5K
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):up to、until和till的区别和用法.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.5M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):up to、until和till的区别和用法.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.5K
音频 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):work的几种用法.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.7M
文本 VOA名师答疑(音频+翻译):work的几种用法.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.3K
音频 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):全球首个化石燃料公共数据库上线.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.8M
文本 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):全球首个化石燃料公共数据库上线.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.1K
音频 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):创新者在委内瑞拉推广太阳能电动汽车.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):创新者在委内瑞拉推广太阳能电动汽车.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.1K
音频 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):日本普通上班族成了TikTok明星.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.5M
文本 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):日本普通-上班族-成了TikTok明星.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.5K
音频 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):美国劳动节晚了五个月.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.5M
文本 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):美国劳动节晚了五个月.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):美国呼吁农民尝试一年两熟的种植模式.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.3M
文本 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):美国呼吁农民尝试-一年两熟-的种植模式.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.3K
音频 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):美国边境农场主面临来自移民和政府的压力.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.7M
文本 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):美国边境农场主面临来自移民和政府的压力.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.9K
音频 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):英国女王伊丽莎白二世葬礼在伦敦举行.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):英国女王伊丽莎白二世葬礼在伦敦举行.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.9K
音频 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):非洲首座氢能发电厂将于2024年发电.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.0M
文本 VOA慢速今日美国(音频+翻译):非洲首座氢能发电厂将于2024年发电.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.8K
音频 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+翻译):喝茶有益健康?.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.9M
文本 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+翻译):喝茶有益健康?.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.7K
音频 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+翻译):如何采摘土豆.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+翻译):如何采摘土豆.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.5K
音频 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+翻译):研究人员帮助自闭症患者提高驾驶技能.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+翻译):研究人员帮助自闭症患者提高驾驶技能.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.9K
音频 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+翻译):美国人均预期寿命再次下降.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+翻译):美国人均预期寿命再次下降.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.9K
音频 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+翻译):疫情后, 美国公立学校为学生补数学和阅读课.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.7M
文本 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+翻译):疫情后, 美国公立学校为学生补数学和阅读课.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.1K
音频 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+翻译):美国多州留级学生人数大幅增加.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.4M
文本 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+翻译):美国多州留级学生人数大幅增加.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.1K
音频 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+翻译):美国学校正在努力缓解教师的身体和心理疲劳.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.2M
文本 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+翻译):美国学校正在努力缓解教师的身体和心理疲劳.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.6K
音频 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+翻译):美国9岁学生疫情期间数学和阅读成绩下滑严重.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+翻译):美国9岁学生疫情期间数学和阅读成绩下滑严重.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.1K
音频 VOA慢速文化艺术(音频+翻译):世界遗产哈特拉古城开放游览.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.3M
文本 VOA慢速文化艺术(音频+翻译):世界遗产哈特拉古城开放游览.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.2K
音频 VOA慢速文化艺术(音频+翻译):伦敦一博物馆举办韩流展览.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.2M
文本 VOA慢速文化艺术(音频+翻译):伦敦一博物馆举办韩流展览.txt 30-Sep-2022 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速文化艺术(音频+翻译):巴黎书商重返塞纳河畔.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.6M
文本 VOA慢速文化艺术(音频+翻译):巴黎书商重返塞纳河畔.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.3K
音频 VOA慢速文化艺术(音频+翻译):泰勒·斯威夫特获得MTV音乐电视大奖, 宣布推出新专辑.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.3M
文本 VOA慢速文化艺术(音频+翻译):泰勒·斯威夫特获得MTV音乐电视大奖, 宣布推出新专辑.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.0K
音频 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):由于气候变化, 津巴布韦迁移了2500多只野生动物.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):由于气候变化, 津巴布韦迁移了2500多只野生动物.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.5K
音频 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):瞻仰英女王灵柩的队伍长达数公里.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.6M
文本 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):瞻仰英女王灵柩的队伍长达数公里.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.3K
音频 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):突尼斯酒店禁止游客穿布基尼.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):突尼斯酒店禁止游客穿布基尼.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.2K
音频 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):美国边境羁押移民人数首次超过200万.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.8M
文本 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):美国边境羁押移民人数首次超过200万.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.6K
音频 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):苏联最后一任领导人戈尔巴乔夫去世, 终年91岁.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.4M
文本 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):苏联最后一任领导人戈尔巴乔夫去世, 终年91岁.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.4K
音频 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):英国女王伊丽莎白二世去世, 享年96岁.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.7M
文本 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):英国女王伊丽莎白二世去世, 享年96岁.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.9K
音频 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):英国新任首相特拉斯接手经济烂摊子.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.4M
文本 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):英国新任首相特拉斯接手经济烂摊子.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.8K
音频 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):过半加拿大人支持取消君主制.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.9M
文本 VOA慢速新闻杂志(音频+翻译):过半加拿大人支持取消君主制.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.3K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):为何越来越多的美国年轻人不愿生孩子?.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.2M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):为何越来越多的美国年轻人不愿生孩子?.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):巴勒斯坦人在加沙边境诱捕入侵鸟类.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.6M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):巴勒斯坦人在加沙边境诱捕入侵鸟类.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.6K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):巴基斯坦洪水逐渐退去, 介水传染病暴发.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.0M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):巴基斯坦洪水逐渐退去, 介水传染病暴发.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.3K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):研究表明许多美国人对医疗保健系统不满意.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.5M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):研究表明许多美国人对医疗保健系统不满意.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.2K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):约230头鲸鱼在澳大利亚搁浅.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.5M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):约230头鲸鱼在澳大利亚搁浅.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):美日韩加强三边安全合作.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):美日韩加强三边安全合作.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.5K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):自动驾驶可能永远离不开人.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.6M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):自动驾驶可能永远离不开人.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.4K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):英女王伊丽莎白二世去世, 查尔斯继位成为英国国王.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.4M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+翻译):英女王伊丽莎白二世去世, 查尔斯继位成为英国国王.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.3K
音频 VOA慢速科学报道(音频+翻译):一举两得! 德国一小镇在苹果园架太阳能板.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.2M
文本 VOA慢速科学报道(音频+翻译):一举两得! 德国一小镇在苹果园架太阳能板.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.6K
音频 VOA慢速科学报道(音频+翻译):人类祖先在700万年前就能直立行走?.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.4M
文本 VOA慢速科学报道(音频+翻译):人类祖先在700万年前就能直立行走?.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.8K
音频 VOA慢速科学报道(音频+翻译):科学家揭开永生水母遗传密码.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.8M
文本 VOA慢速科学报道(音频+翻译):科学家揭开-永生水母-遗传密码.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.9K
音频 VOA慢速科学报道(音频+翻译):美国新一代登月火箭因引擎故障推迟发射.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.3M
文本 VOA慢速科学报道(音频+翻译):美国新一代登月火箭因引擎故障推迟发射.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.2K
音频 VOA慢速科学报道(音频+翻译):肯尼亚开发了一款跟踪稀有哺乳动物的应用程序.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.8M
文本 VOA慢速科学报道(音频+翻译):肯尼亚开发了一款跟踪稀有哺乳动物的应用程序.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+翻译):人类最早的截肢手术或可追溯至3.1万年前.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+翻译):人类最早的截肢手术或可追溯至3.1万年前.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.0K
音频 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+翻译):格陵兰岛冰融化或使全球海平面上升27厘米.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.6M
文本 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+翻译):格陵兰岛冰融化或使全球海平面上升27厘米.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.8K
音频 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+翻译):苹果iPhone14系列售价保持不变.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.0M
文本 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+翻译):苹果iPhone14系列售价保持不变.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.4K
音频 VOA慢速经济报道(音频+翻译):天然气危机之下, 荷兰的温室大棚要挺不住了.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.6M
文本 VOA慢速经济报道(音频+翻译):天然气危机之下, 荷兰的温室大棚要挺不住了.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.6K
音频 VOA慢速经济报道(音频+翻译):德国为企业提供贷款以应对能源危机.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速经济报道(音频+翻译):德国为企业提供贷款以应对能源危机.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.6K
音频 VOA慢速经济报道(音频+翻译):美电动汽车补贴新政引韩国不满.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.8M
文本 VOA慢速经济报道(音频+翻译):美电动汽车补贴新政引韩国不满.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.2K
音频 VOA慢速经济报道(音频+翻译):英国能源价格上限提高.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速经济报道(音频+翻译):英国能源价格上限提高.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):American Labor Day Arrives Five Months Late.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):American Labor Day Arrives Five Months Late.txt 30-Sep-2022 3.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Artificial Intelligence Tool Aims to Identify, Predict Smells.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Artificial Intelligence Tool Aims to Identify, Predict Smells.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Australia Prepares for More Rain After La Niña Confirmed.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Australia Prepares for More Rain After La Niña Confirmed.txt 30-Sep-2022 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Big Trouble with Three Little Words – In, On and At.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Big Trouble with Three Little Words – In, On and At.txt 30-Sep-2022 3.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Cubans Fleeing to US in Large Numbers.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Cubans Fleeing to US in Large Numbers.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Deplete v. Evacuate.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Deplete v. Evacuate.txt 30-Sep-2022 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Describing Your Favorite Character.mp3 30-Sep-2022 8.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Describing Your Favorite Character.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Describing Your Favorite Character, Part 2.mp3 30-Sep-2022 6.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Describing Your Favorite Character, Part 2.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Fun Lunches Help School Kids Eat Healthy Foods.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Fun Lunches Help School Kids Eat Healthy Foods.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Giorgia Meloni Likely to Become Italy’s First Female PM.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Giorgia Meloni Likely to Become Italy’s First Female PM.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Grammar and Attention.mp3 30-Sep-2022 6.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Grammar and Attention.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):How to Bring Houseplants back Indoors.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):How to Bring Houseplants back Indoors.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):How to Wish Other People Well.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):How to Wish Other People Well.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Hurricane, Typhoon Force Evacuations from Cuba to Vietnam.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Hurricane, Typhoon Force Evacuations from Cuba to Vietnam.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Indian Students ‘Rush’ to Attend Colleges in Other Countries.mp3 30-Sep-2022 8.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Indian Students ‘Rush’ to Attend Colleges in Other Countries.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Is It Back to Normal for the Movies.mp3 30-Sep-2022 6.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Is It Back to Normal for the Movies-.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Kenya Using Mobile App to Help Track Animals.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Kenya Using Mobile App to Help Track Animals.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Little Sea Creature Could Play Big Part in Saving Coastal Land.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Little Sea Creature Could Play Big Part in Saving Coastal Land.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.6K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Memory Problems- Remember v. Recall.txt 30-Sep-2022 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Memory Problems Remember v. Recall.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.0M
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):NASA Strikes an Asteroid to Change Its Direction.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):NASA Strikes an Asteroid to Change Its Direction.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Palestinian American Performer Heals with Humor.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Palestinian American Performer Heals with Humor.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Regular ‘Salarymen’ in Japan Become TikTok Stars.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Regular ‘Salarymen’ in Japan Become TikTok Stars.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Report:Facebook, Twitter Took Down Pro-US Influence Campaign.mp3 30-Sep-2022 6.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Report:Facebook, Twitter Took Down Pro-US Influence Campaign.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Report:Large Food Companies Face Big Losses Due to Climate Change.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Report:Large Food Companies Face Big Losses Due to Climate Change.txt 30-Sep-2022 3.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Reports:Vietnam to Limit News on Social Media.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Reports:Vietnam to Limit News on Social Media.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Research Shows Many Americans Unhappy with Health Care System.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Research Shows Many Americans Unhappy with Health Care System.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Reviewing Your Birthday Message.mp3 30-Sep-2022 6.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Reviewing Your Birthday Message.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):S. Koreans Adopted Internationally Demand Investigation into Their Adoptions.mp3 30-Sep-2022 7.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):S. Koreans Adopted Internationally Demand Investigation into Their Adoptions.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):School Systems See More Students Repeating Grades.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):School Systems See More Students Repeating Grades.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Scientists Estimate the Ant Population on Earth.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Scientists Estimate the Ant Population on Earth.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):States Prepare to Reduce Use of Colorado River Water.mp3 30-Sep-2022 6.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):States Prepare to Reduce Use of Colorado River Water.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Study:Fossil Bones Add to Evidence about Earliest Ancestor.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Study:Fossil Bones Add to Evidence about Earliest Ancestor.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Technology System Aims to Protect Whales from Ships.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Technology System Aims to Protect Whales from Ships.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):The Best Way Is 'Tried-and-True'.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):The Best Way Is 'Tried-and-True'.txt 30-Sep-2022 3.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):The Debate Over Small Nuclear Reactors.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):The Debate Over Small Nuclear Reactors.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):The University of Maine Shows How to Increase Its Student Population.mp3 30-Sep-2022 7.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):The University of Maine Shows How to Increase Its Student Population.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Understanding Context Is Important for International Students in US.mp3 30-Sep-2022 7.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Understanding Context Is Important for International Students in US.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Where Is the 'Wrong Side of the Tracks'.mp3 30-Sep-2022 6.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Where Is the 'Wrong Side of the Tracks'-.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Who Would 'Bring Sand to the Beach'.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Who Would 'Bring Sand to the Beach'-.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Zimbabwe Moves 2,500 Wild Animals Due to Climate Change.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Zimbabwe Moves 2,500 Wild Animals Due to Climate Change.txt 30-Sep-2022 4.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Activists Call on Educators to Build up School Systems after Pandemic.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Activists Call on Educators to Build up School Systems after Pandemic.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Activists Call on Educators to Build up School Systems after Pandemic.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):After 45 Years, Voyager Spacecraft Still Exploring.lrc 30-Sep-2022 5.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):After 45 Years, Voyager Spacecraft Still Exploring.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):After 45 Years, Voyager Spacecraft Still Exploring.txt 30-Sep-2022 11K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):After the Pandemic, Public Schools Struggle to Make Up for Lost Learning.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):After the Pandemic, Public Schools Struggle to Make Up for Lost Learning.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):After the Pandemic, Public Schools Struggle to Make Up for Lost Learning.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):American Woman to Lead UN Communications Agency.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):American Woman to Lead UN Communications Agency.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):American Woman to Lead UN Communications Agency.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ancient Ruins in Iraq Open to Visitors After War Damage.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ancient Ruins in Iraq Open to Visitors After War Damage.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ancient Ruins in Iraq Open to Visitors After War Damage.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Apple Keeps Prices Flat in New iPhone, Apple Watch Release.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Apple Keeps Prices Flat in New iPhone, Apple Watch Release.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Apple Keeps Prices Flat in New iPhone, Apple Watch Release.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Apple to Produce iPhone 14 in India.lrc 30-Sep-2022 2.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Apple to Produce iPhone 14 in India.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Apple to Produce iPhone 14 in India.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):As Britain Mourns Queen, Charles Rises to King.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):As Britain Mourns Queen, Charles Rises to King.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):As Britain Mourns Queen, Charles Rises to King.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Blinken Visits Kyiv, Offers $2 Billion in New US Military Aid.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Blinken Visits Kyiv, Offers $2 Billion in New US Military Aid.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Blinken Visits Kyiv, Offers $2 Billion in New US Military Aid.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Britain Prepares for High Winter Heating and Electricity Costs.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Britain Prepares for High Winter Heating and Electricity Costs.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Britain Prepares for High Winter Heating and Electricity Costs.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Businesses Stop Selling Lobster Because of Whale Concerns.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Businesses Stop Selling Lobster Because of Whale Concerns.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Businesses Stop Selling Lobster Because of Whale Concerns.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):California to End New Sales of Gasoline Vehicles by 2035.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):California to End New Sales of Gasoline Vehicles by 2035.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):California to End New Sales of Gasoline Vehicles by 2035.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ceremonies Surrounding the Death of Queen Elizabeth II.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ceremonies Surrounding the Death of Queen Elizabeth II.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ceremonies Surrounding the Death of Queen Elizabeth II.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Cheetahs Once Again Live in India After 70 Years.lrc 30-Sep-2022 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Cheetahs Once Again Live in India After 70 Years.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Cheetahs Once Again Live in India After 70 Years.txt 30-Sep-2022 12K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Colombia’s Vice President Wears Young Designer’s Resistance Fashion.lrc 30-Sep-2022 2.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Colombia’s Vice President Wears Young Designer’s Resistance Fashion.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Colombia’s Vice President Wears Young Designer’s Resistance Fashion.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Company Aims to Build Africa's First Hydrogen Power Center by 2024.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Company Aims to Build Africa's First Hydrogen Power Center by 2024.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Company Aims to Build Africa's First Hydrogen Power Center by 2024.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.6K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Deadly Diseases Rise as War Limits Vaccinations in Ethiopia.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Deadly Diseases Rise as War Limits Vaccinations in Ethiopia.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Deadly Diseases Rise as War Limits Vaccinations in Ethiopia.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):EU Aims to Control Russian Natural Gas Prices.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):EU Aims to Control Russian Natural Gas Prices.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):EU Aims to Control Russian Natural Gas Prices.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):EU Nations Seek Joint Efforts to Fight Rising Energy Costs.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):EU Nations Seek Joint Efforts to Fight Rising Energy Costs.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):EU Nations Seek Joint Efforts to Fight Rising Energy Costs.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Earliest Medical Operation Might Have Been 31,000 Years Ago.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Earliest Medical Operation Might Have Been 31,000 Years Ago.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Earliest Medical Operation Might Have Been 31,000 Years Ago.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Elon Musk’s Humanoid Robot Faces Concerns from Experts.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Elon Musk’s Humanoid Robot Faces Concerns from Experts.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Elon Musk’s Humanoid Robot Faces Concerns from Experts.txt 30-Sep-2022 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Elon Musk Seeks to Bring Starlink Internet Service to Iran.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Elon Musk Seeks to Bring Starlink Internet Service to Iran.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Elon Musk Seeks to Bring Starlink Internet Service to Iran.txt 30-Sep-2022 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Energy v. Power.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Energy v. Power.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Energy v. Power.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Experimental Drug Slows Decline among Alzheimer’s Patients.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Experimental Drug Slows Decline among Alzheimer’s Patients.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Experimental Drug Slows Decline among Alzheimer’s Patients.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):First Public World Database of Fossil Fuels Launches.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):First Public World Database of Fossil Fuels Launches.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):First Public World Database of Fossil Fuels Launches.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Gas Crisis Hits Dutch Greenhouses.lrc 30-Sep-2022 5.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Gas Crisis Hits Dutch Greenhouses.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Gas Crisis Hits Dutch Greenhouses.txt 30-Sep-2022 11K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):German Farmer Grows Fruit under Solar Power Equipment.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):German Farmer Grows Fruit under Solar Power Equipment.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):German Farmer Grows Fruit under Solar Power Equipment.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Germany to Expand Loans to Energy Companies.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Germany to Expand Loans to Energy Companies.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Germany to Expand Loans to Energy Companies.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Hawaii Closes Last Coal-fueled Power Center in Move to Renewable Energy.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Hawaii Closes Last Coal-fueled Power Center in Move to Renewable Energy.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Hawaii Closes Last Coal-fueled Power Center in Move to Renewable Energy.txt 30-Sep-2022 11K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Hotel Visitors in Tunisia Surprised at Burkini Bans.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Hotel Visitors in Tunisia Surprised at Burkini Bans.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Hotel Visitors in Tunisia Surprised at Burkini Bans.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):How to Collect and Save Vegetable Seeds for Next Year.lrc 30-Sep-2022 5.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):How to Collect and Save Vegetable Seeds for Next Year.mp3 30-Sep-2022 7.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):How to Collect and Save Vegetable Seeds for Next Year.txt 30-Sep-2022 13K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Immersive Exhibit of Monet Coming to New York City.lrc 30-Sep-2022 2.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Immersive Exhibit of Monet Coming to New York City.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Immersive Exhibit of Monet Coming to New York City.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.6K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):India, Bangladesh Aim to Share Resources, Development.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):India, Bangladesh Aim to Share Resources, Development.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):India, Bangladesh Aim to Share Resources, Development.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Iraqi Artist Recreates Ancient Artwork.lrc 30-Sep-2022 2.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Iraqi Artist Recreates Ancient Artwork.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Iraqi Artist Recreates Ancient Artwork.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Japan’s Former Leader Abe Honored at State Funeral.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Japan’s Former Leader Abe Honored at State Funeral.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Japan’s Former Leader Abe Honored at State Funeral.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Japan, South Korea and U.S. Strengthen Security Ties.lrc 30-Sep-2022 2.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Japan, South Korea and U.S. Strengthen Security Ties.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Japan, South Korea and U.S. Strengthen Security Ties.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Labor Day, Workers’ Rights at US Colleges.lrc 30-Sep-2022 5.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Labor Day, Workers’ Rights at US Colleges.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Labor Day, Workers’ Rights at US Colleges.txt 30-Sep-2022 12K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Life Expectancy in US Drops Again.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Life Expectancy in US Drops Again.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Life Expectancy in US Drops Again.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Liz Truss, Britain's New Prime Minister, Faces Inflation, Energy Pressure.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Liz Truss, Britain's New Prime Minister, Faces Inflation, Energy Pressure.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Liz Truss, Britain's New Prime Minister, Faces Inflation, Energy Pressure.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):London Museum Show Explores Korean Pop Culture.lrc 30-Sep-2022 2.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):London Museum Show Explores Korean Pop Culture.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):London Museum Show Explores Korean Pop Culture.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Maine Religious Schools Slow to Accept State Money.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Maine Religious Schools Slow to Accept State Money.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Maine Religious Schools Slow to Accept State Money.txt 30-Sep-2022 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):More Canadians Do Not Want Monarchy to Continue.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):More Canadians Do Not Want Monarchy to Continue.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):More Canadians Do Not Want Monarchy to Continue.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):NASA Finds Evidence of Carbon Dioxide in Exoplanet Atmosphere.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):NASA Finds Evidence of Carbon Dioxide in Exoplanet Atmosphere.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):NASA Finds Evidence of Carbon Dioxide in Exoplanet Atmosphere.txt 30-Sep-2022 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):NASA Makes Final Preparations to Crash Spacecraft into Asteroid.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):NASA Makes Final Preparations to Crash Spacecraft into Asteroid.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):NASA Makes Final Preparations to Crash Spacecraft into Asteroid.txt 30-Sep-2022 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):NASA Spacecraft Records Sounds of Space Rocks Hitting Mars.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):NASA Spacecraft Records Sounds of Space Rocks Hitting Mars.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):NASA Spacecraft Records Sounds of Space Rocks Hitting Mars.txt 30-Sep-2022 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):New Online Guide Shows Incredible Bird Migrations.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):New Online Guide Shows Incredible Bird Migrations.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):New Online Guide Shows Incredible Bird Migrations.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Number of Venezuelans Trying to Cross into US Increased in August.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Number of Venezuelans Trying to Cross into US Increased in August.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Number of Venezuelans Trying to Cross into US Increased in August.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Over 200 Whales Stuck on Beach in Australia.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Over 200 Whales Stuck on Beach in Australia.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Over 200 Whales Stuck on Beach in Australia.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Palestinian Man Discovers Ancient Art in Gaza.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Palestinian Man Discovers Ancient Art in Gaza.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Palestinian Man Discovers Ancient Art in Gaza.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Parachuting Keeps 88-Year-Old Bosnian Man Fit.lrc 30-Sep-2022 2.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Parachuting Keeps 88-Year-Old Bosnian Man Fit.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Parachuting Keeps 88-Year-Old Bosnian Man Fit.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Property Owners on US Border Face Pressure from Migrants, Government.lrc 30-Sep-2022 5.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Property Owners on US Border Face Pressure from Migrants, Government.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Property Owners on US Border Face Pressure from Migrants, Government.txt 30-Sep-2022 11K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Protection Sought for Snail Near Nevada Lithium Mine.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Protection Sought for Snail Near Nevada Lithium Mine.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Protection Sought for Snail Near Nevada Lithium Mine.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Protests in Iran after Woman Dies in Police Hands.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Protests in Iran after Woman Dies in Police Hands.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Protests in Iran after Woman Dies in Police Hands.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Public Libraries Aim to Bring in More Visitors.lrc 30-Sep-2022 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Public Libraries Aim to Bring in More Visitors.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Public Libraries Aim to Bring in More Visitors.txt 30-Sep-2022 12K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Putin Calls Up Reservists after Losses in Ukraine.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Putin Calls Up Reservists after Losses in Ukraine.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Putin Calls Up Reservists after Losses in Ukraine.txt 30-Sep-2022 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_1.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_2.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_3.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_4.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_5.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_6.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_7.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_8.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_9.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_10.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_11.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_12.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_13.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_14.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_15.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_16.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_17.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_18.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_19.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_20.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch, Dies at 96_21.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth II Mourned at Funeral.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth II Mourned at Funeral.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Queen Elizabeth II Mourned at Funeral.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Reporters Call Taliban Media Reforms ‘Censorship’.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Reporters Call Taliban Media Reforms ‘Censorship’.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Reporters Call Taliban Media Reforms ‘Censorship’.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Researchers:Exercise Best Tool Against Aging.lrc 30-Sep-2022 5.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Researchers:Exercise Best Tool Against Aging.mp3 30-Sep-2022 6.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Researchers:Exercise Best Tool Against Aging.txt 30-Sep-2022 13K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Researchers Study Sea Creature that Could Live Forever.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Researchers Study Sea Creature that Could Live Forever.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Researchers Study Sea Creature that Could Live Forever.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Russia to Annex Parts of Eastern Ukraine.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Russia to Annex Parts of Eastern Ukraine.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Russia to Annex Parts of Eastern Ukraine.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Schools Aim to Ease Teachers’ Tension, Burnout.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Schools Aim to Ease Teachers’ Tension, Burnout.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Schools Aim to Ease Teachers’ Tension, Burnout.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Schools Increasingly Go Online During Disasters.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Schools Increasingly Go Online During Disasters.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Schools Increasingly Go Online During Disasters.txt 30-Sep-2022 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Self-Driving Cars May Require Human Help.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Self-Driving Cars May Require Human Help.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Self-Driving Cars May Require Human Help.txt 30-Sep-2022 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):South Korea Angry Over New U.S. Trade Policy.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):South Korea Angry Over New U.S. Trade Policy.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):South Korea Angry Over New U.S. Trade Policy.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Study:Greenland’s Melting Ice Will Raise Sea Levels 27 Centimeters.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Study:Greenland’s Melting Ice Will Raise Sea Levels 27 Centimeters.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Study:Greenland’s Melting Ice Will Raise Sea Levels 27 Centimeters.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Study:Reading, Math Test Results Greatly Fell During Pandemic.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Study:Reading, Math Test Results Greatly Fell During Pandemic.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Study:Reading, Math Test Results Greatly Fell During Pandemic.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Tea Drinkers Enjoy Possible Health Benefits, Study Suggests.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Tea Drinkers Enjoy Possible Health Benefits, Study Suggests.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Tea Drinkers Enjoy Possible Health Benefits, Study Suggests.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):This Is 'The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread'!.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):This Is 'The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread'!.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):This Is 'The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread'!.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):UN Inspectors Arrive at Ukraine Nuclear Plant amid Shelling.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):UN Inspectors Arrive at Ukraine Nuclear Plant amid Shelling.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):UN Inspectors Arrive at Ukraine Nuclear Plant amid Shelling.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):UN Report:Division Preventing Nations from Improving Lives.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):UN Report:Division Preventing Nations from Improving Lives.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):UN Report:Division Preventing Nations from Improving Lives.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Clears Updated Vaccine Targeting New COVID Versions.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Clears Updated Vaccine Targeting New COVID Versions.mp3 30-Sep-2022 5.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Clears Updated Vaccine Targeting New COVID Versions.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Lets Tech Companies Increase Internet Access in Iran.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Lets Tech Companies Increase Internet Access in Iran.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Lets Tech Companies Increase Internet Access in Iran.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Safety Board Wants Cars to Check Drivers for Alcohol Use.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Safety Board Wants Cars to Check Drivers for Alcohol Use.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Safety Board Wants Cars to Check Drivers for Alcohol Use.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Urges Farmers to Plant Two Crops Yearly.lrc 30-Sep-2022 4.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Urges Farmers to Plant Two Crops Yearly.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Urges Farmers to Plant Two Crops Yearly.txt 30-Sep-2022 9.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US to Build Highway Electric Vehicle Charging Network.lrc 30-Sep-2022 2.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US to Build Highway Electric Vehicle Charging Network.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US to Build Highway Electric Vehicle Charging Network.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ukraine Claims New Gains Against Russian Troops.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ukraine Claims New Gains Against Russian Troops.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ukraine Claims New Gains Against Russian Troops.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ukraine Says Goal Is to Retake All Its Territory in War with Russia.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ukraine Says Goal Is to Retake All Its Territory in War with Russia.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ukraine Says Goal Is to Retake All Its Territory in War with Russia.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Vaccine Group Setting up Plans for Future Pandemics.lrc 30-Sep-2022 2.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Vaccine Group Setting up Plans for Future Pandemics.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Vaccine Group Setting up Plans for Future Pandemics.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Viola Davis Says 'The Woman King' Offered 'Ownership, Agency'.lrc 30-Sep-2022 2.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Viola Davis Says 'The Woman King' Offered 'Ownership, Agency'.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Viola Davis Says 'The Woman King' Offered 'Ownership, Agency'.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Women, Children Affected Most by Pakistan’s Floods.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Women, Children Affected Most by Pakistan’s Floods.mp3 30-Sep-2022 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Women, Children Affected Most by Pakistan’s Floods.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Women in Zimbabwe Protect Children with Secret Vaccinations.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Women in Zimbabwe Protect Children with Secret Vaccinations.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Women in Zimbabwe Protect Children with Secret Vaccinations.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Young Americans Choose to Delay, Not Have Children.lrc 30-Sep-2022 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Young Americans Choose to Delay, Not Have Children.mp3 30-Sep-2022 3.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Young Americans Choose to Delay, Not Have Children.txt 30-Sep-2022 7.2K
音频 VOA慢速词汇掌故(音频+翻译):他是一个出身贫穷的舞蹈老师.mp3 30-Sep-2022 6.0M
文本 VOA慢速词汇掌故(音频+翻译):他是一个-出身贫穷-的舞蹈老师.txt 30-Sep-2022 8.1K
音频 VOA慢速词汇掌故(音频+翻译):她认为她是有史以来最优秀的人.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.3M
文本 VOA慢速词汇掌故(音频+翻译):她认为她是-有史以来最优秀的人-.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.1K
音频 VOA慢速词汇掌故(音频+翻译):经反复考验证实是有效的方法才是最好的方法.mp3 30-Sep-2022 1.9M
音频 VOA慢速词汇掌故(音频+翻译):谁会带沙子去沙滩呢?.mp3 30-Sep-2022 2.5M
文本 VOA慢速词汇掌故(音频+翻译):谁会带沙子去沙滩呢?.txt 30-Sep-2022 6.3K
文本 VOA慢速词汇掌故(音频+翻译):-经反复考验证实是有效的-方法才是最好的方法.txt 30-Sep-2022 5.1K
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