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Special English又叫“慢速英语”,是VOA电台专为全世界非英语国家的初学英语的听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语广播节目。它始于50年代末,是VOA电台的专家们研究如何与世界各地的英语学习者时行交际的产物,开播之后迅速覆盖全球,在世界广泛内产生了广泛影响。

类型 文件名 更新时间 大小
字幕 VOA建国史话(字幕):20世纪60年代美国的社会变革(上).lrc 17-Feb-2021 6.0K
音频 VOA建国史话(字幕):20世纪60年代美国的社会变革(上).mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.5M
文本 VOA建国史话(字幕):20世纪60年代美国的社会变革(上).txt 28-Feb-2021 4.3K
音频 VOA建国史话(翻译+讲解):人类登陆月球(上).mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.1M
文本 VOA建国史话(翻译+讲解):人类登陆月球(上).txt 28-Feb-2021 9.0K
字幕 VOA建国史话(翻译+讲解):人类登陆月球(下).lrc 14-Feb-2021 7.8K
音频 VOA建国史话(翻译+讲解):人类登陆月球(下).mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.7M
文本 VOA建国史话(翻译+讲解):人类登陆月球(下).txt 28-Feb-2021 5.3K
字幕 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+字幕+翻译):中国科学家研发出延缓衰老的基因疗法.lrc 21-Feb-2021 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+字幕+翻译):中国科学家研发出延缓衰老的基因疗法.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.5M
文本 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+字幕+翻译):中国科学家研发出延缓衰老的基因疗法.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.8K
字幕 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+字幕+翻译):全球变暖导致花粉季提前.lrc 24-Feb-2021 6.4K
音频 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+字幕+翻译):全球变暖导致花粉季提前.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.8M
文本 VOA慢速健康报道(音频+字幕+翻译):全球变暖导致花粉季提前.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.8K
字幕 VOA慢速建国史话(音频+字幕+翻译):七八十年代的美国生活(上).lrc 22-Feb-2021 7.8K
音频 VOA慢速建国史话(音频+字幕+翻译):七八十年代的美国生活(上).mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.4M
文本 VOA慢速建国史话(音频+字幕+翻译):七八十年代的美国生活(上).txt 28-Feb-2021 10K
字幕 VOA慢速建国史话(音频+字幕+翻译):20世纪60年代美国的社会变革(下).lrc 20-Feb-2021 6.4K
音频 VOA慢速建国史话(音频+字幕+翻译):20世纪60年代美国的社会变革(下).mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.4M
文本 VOA慢速建国史话(音频+字幕+翻译):20世纪60年代美国的社会变革(下).txt 28-Feb-2021 8.8K
字幕 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+字幕+翻译):学生心理健康问题呈上升趋势.lrc 22-Feb-2021 9.8K
音频 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+字幕+翻译):学生心理健康问题呈上升趋势.mp3 28-Feb-2021 9.2M
文本 VOA慢速教育报道(音频+字幕+翻译):学生心理健康问题呈上升趋势.txt 28-Feb-2021 13K
字幕 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):伦敦动物园因疫情封锁陷入困境.lrc 21-Feb-2021 4.3K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):伦敦动物园因疫情封锁陷入困境.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):伦敦动物园因疫情封锁陷入困境.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.9K
字幕 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):印度新冠病例为何不增反降?.lrc 21-Feb-2021 6.5K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):印度新冠病例为何不增反降?.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.8M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):印度新冠病例为何不增反降?.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.3K
字幕 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):极寒天气席卷美国多个州.lrc 21-Feb-2021 5.3K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):极寒天气席卷美国多个州.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.0M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):极寒天气席卷美国多个州.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.9K
字幕 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):泰格·伍兹遭遇车祸被送医.lrc 24-Feb-2021 2.2K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):泰格·伍兹遭遇车祸被送医.mp3 28-Feb-2021 1.9M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):泰格·伍兹遭遇车祸被送医.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.6K
字幕 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):澳洲流浪羊剪下35公斤羊毛.lrc 26-Feb-2021 2.5K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):澳洲流浪羊剪下35公斤羊毛.mp3 28-Feb-2021 2.2M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):澳洲流浪羊剪下35公斤羊毛.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.9K
字幕 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):美国新冠肺炎死亡人数超50万.lrc 24-Feb-2021 3.0K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):美国新冠肺炎死亡人数超50万.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):美国新冠肺炎死亡人数超50万.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.4K
字幕 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):过度捕捞致鲨鱼数量半世纪内下降71%.lrc 20-Feb-2021 4.2K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):过度捕捞致鲨鱼数量半世纪内下降71%.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.6M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):过度捕捞致鲨鱼数量半世纪内下降71%.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.8K
字幕 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):FDA:强生单剂量疫苗安全有效.lrc 26-Feb-2021 3.6K
音频 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):FDA:强生单剂量疫苗安全有效.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.3M
文本 VOA慢速时事新闻(音频+字幕+翻译):FDA:强生单剂量疫苗安全有效.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.2K
字幕 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+字幕+翻译):机器人公司计划在生产数千台人形机器人.lrc 21-Feb-2021 5.5K
音频 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+字幕+翻译):机器人公司计划在生产数千台人形机器人.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+字幕+翻译):机器人公司计划在生产数千台人形机器人.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.0K
字幕 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+字幕+翻译):脸谱网取消澳大利亚的新闻禁令.lrc 25-Feb-2021 4.9K
音频 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+字幕+翻译):脸谱网取消澳大利亚的新闻禁令.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.2M
文本 VOA慢速科技报道(音频+字幕+翻译):脸谱网取消澳大利亚的新闻禁令.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):匈牙利一家疫情期驾船环游世界.lrc 16-Feb-2021 4.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):匈牙利一家疫情期驾船环游世界.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):匈牙利一家疫情期驾船环游世界.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.6K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):波斯尼亚摇滚乐队引入机器人.lrc 16-Feb-2021 3.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):波斯尼亚摇滚乐队引入机器人.mp3 28-Feb-2021 2.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):波斯尼亚摇滚乐队引入机器人.txt 28-Feb-2021 2.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):美国撤销耶鲁种族歧视案.lrc 17-Feb-2021 7.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):美国撤销耶鲁种族歧视案.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):美国撤销耶鲁种族歧视案.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):A Turkish Man’s Long Friendship with a Swan.lrc 28-Feb-2021 1.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):A Turkish Man’s Long Friendship with a Swan.mp3 28-Feb-2021 2.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):A Turkish Man’s Long Friendship with a Swan.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Biden to Keep Troops in Germany, End Support for Saudi War in Yemen.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Biden to Keep Troops in Germany, End Support for Saudi War in Yemen.mp3 28-Feb-2021 1.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Biden to Keep Troops in Germany, End Support for Saudi War in Yemen.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Britain’s Vaccine Chief Says World Faces 4,000 COVID-19 Variants.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Britain’s Vaccine Chief Says World Faces 4,000 COVID-19 Variants.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Britain’s Vaccine Chief Says World Faces 4,000 COVID-19 Variants.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):British Shoemaker Counts Costs of Leaving EU.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):British Shoemaker Counts Costs of Leaving EU.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):British Shoemaker Counts Costs of Leaving EU.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):China and UAE Send Their First Spacecraft to Mars.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):China and UAE Send Their First Spacecraft to Mars.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):China and UAE Send Their First Spacecraft to Mars.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Chinese Scientists Develop Gene Therapy Which Could Delay Aging.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Chinese Scientists Develop Gene Therapy Which Could Delay Aging.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Chinese Scientists Develop Gene Therapy Which Could Delay Aging.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Company Aims to Produce Thousands of Humanoid Robots in 2021.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Company Aims to Produce Thousands of Humanoid Robots in 2021.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Company Aims to Produce Thousands of Humanoid Robots in 2021.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Criminals Steal Billions in California Unemployment Payments.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Criminals Steal Billions in California Unemployment Payments.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Criminals Steal Billions in California Unemployment Payments.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.6K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Early Mosque Found Near Sea of Galilee.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Early Mosque Found Near Sea of Galilee.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Early Mosque Found Near Sea of Galilee.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Explainer:How Are the Myanmar Protests Being Organized.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Explainer:How Are the Myanmar Protests Being Organized.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Explainer:How Are the Myanmar Protests Being Organized-.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Flower Farms See Lunar New Year Sales Decrease Because of Virus.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Flower Farms See Lunar New Year Sales Decrease Because of Virus.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Flower Farms See Lunar New Year Sales Decrease Because of Virus.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.6K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):French Nun Who Beat COVID-19 Celebrates 117th Birthday.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):French Nun Who Beat COVID-19 Celebrates 117th Birthday.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):French Nun Who Beat COVID-19 Celebrates 117th Birthday.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Gazans Turn Old Cars and Metal into Profit.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Gazans Turn Old Cars and Metal into Profit.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Gazans Turn Old Cars and Metal into Profit.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Golden Globe Film Awards Surprise Critics After a Strange Year.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Golden Globe Film Awards Surprise Critics After a Strange Year.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Golden Globe Film Awards Surprise Critics After a Strange Year.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):How Glaciers Can Burst and Cause Flooding.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):How Glaciers Can Burst and Cause Flooding.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):How Glaciers Can Burst and Cause Flooding.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Kenyan School Helps Teenage Mothers Forced out of Classes.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Kenyan School Helps Teenage Mothers Forced out of Classes.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Kenyan School Helps Teenage Mothers Forced out of Classes.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Meet Robby Megabyte, Bosnia’s First Robot Rock Band Musician.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Meet Robby Megabyte, Bosnia’s First Robot Rock Band Musician.mp3 28-Feb-2021 2.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Meet Robby Megabyte, Bosnia’s First Robot Rock Band Musician.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.6K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):New Research Suggests Full Moon Can Affect Sleep.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):New Research Suggests Full Moon Can Affect Sleep.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):New Research Suggests Full Moon Can Affect Sleep.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Pandemic Silences Thailand's Tuk Tuks.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Pandemic Silences Thailand's Tuk Tuks.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Pandemic Silences Thailand's Tuk Tuks.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Pfizer Studies Israel’s Coronavirus Vaccination Campaign.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Pfizer Studies Israel’s Coronavirus Vaccination Campaign.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Pfizer Studies Israel’s Coronavirus Vaccination Campaign.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Report:North Korea Used Cyber Crime to Pay for Nuclear Program, Missiles.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Report:North Korea Used Cyber Crime to Pay for Nuclear Program, Missiles.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Report:North Korea Used Cyber Crime to Pay for Nuclear Program, Missiles.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):School Reopening Debate Divides US Community.lrc 28-Feb-2021 5.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):School Reopening Debate Divides US Community.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):School Reopening Debate Divides US Community.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Shark Populations Dropped 71 Percent Since 1970.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Shark Populations Dropped 71 Percent Since 1970.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Shark Populations Dropped 71 Percent Since 1970.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Singer of Rhythm and Blues, Mary Wilson of The Supremes, Dies.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Singer of Rhythm and Blues, Mary Wilson of The Supremes, Dies.mp3 28-Feb-2021 2.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Singer of Rhythm and Blues, Mary Wilson of The Supremes, Dies.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):South Sudan Athletes Train in Japan Although Olympics in Doubt.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):South Sudan Athletes Train in Japan Although Olympics in Doubt.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):South Sudan Athletes Train in Japan Although Olympics in Doubt.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Study:AstraZeneca Vaccine Greatly Reduces Virus Transmission Rate.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Study:AstraZeneca Vaccine Greatly Reduces Virus Transmission Rate.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Study:AstraZeneca Vaccine Greatly Reduces Virus Transmission Rate.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Study:Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine Appears Safe, Effective.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Study:Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine Appears Safe, Effective.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Study:Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine Appears Safe, Effective.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Super Bowl in a Pandemic Will Be Different, But Familiar.lrc 28-Feb-2021 5.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Super Bowl in a Pandemic Will Be Different, But Familiar.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Super Bowl in a Pandemic Will Be Different, But Familiar.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Tesla Says It Will Accept Bitcoins for Car Payment.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Tesla Says It Will Accept Bitcoins for Car Payment.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Tesla Says It Will Accept Bitcoins for Car Payment.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):The Difference Between ‘Task’ and ‘Assignment’.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):The Difference Between ‘Task’ and ‘Assignment’.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):The Difference Between ‘Task’ and ‘Assignment’.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):The Different Ways to Use the Word ‘Work’.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):The Different Ways to Use the Word ‘Work’.mp3 28-Feb-2021 2.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):The Different Ways to Use the Word ‘Work’.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Two Drugmakers to Develop Vaccines Targeting COVID-19 Variants.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Two Drugmakers to Develop Vaccines Targeting COVID-19 Variants.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Two Drugmakers to Develop Vaccines Targeting COVID-19 Variants.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):US Army Eases Restrictions on Hairstyles and Other Rules.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):US Army Eases Restrictions on Hairstyles and Other Rules.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):US Army Eases Restrictions on Hairstyles and Other Rules.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Vaccine Mistrust for Some Dates Back to Experimental Study.lrc 28-Feb-2021 5.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Vaccine Mistrust for Some Dates Back to Experimental Study.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Vaccine Mistrust for Some Dates Back to Experimental Study.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Vietnamese Mark Lunar New Year with Traditional Fish Release.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Vietnamese Mark Lunar New Year with Traditional Fish Release.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Vietnamese Mark Lunar New Year with Traditional Fish Release.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):WHO Experts:Coronavirus Likely Jumped to Humans from Animals.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):WHO Experts:Coronavirus Likely Jumped to Humans from Animals.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):WHO Experts:Coronavirus Likely Jumped to Humans from Animals.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):What Did Democracy Mean to the US Constitution’s Writers.lrc 28-Feb-2021 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):What Did Democracy Mean to the US Constitution’s Writers.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):What Did Democracy Mean to the US Constitution’s Writers-.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Why Is the Military Taking Control in Myanmar.lrc 28-Feb-2021 5.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Why Is the Military Taking Control in Myanmar.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(字幕):Why Is the Military Taking Control in Myanmar-.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):世卫专家称新冠病毒可能是从动物传播给人类.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):世卫专家称新冠病毒可能是从动物传播给人类.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):世卫专家称新冠病毒可能是从动物传播给人类.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):中国和阿联酋各自的首个探测器成功进入火星轨道.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):中国和阿联酋各自的首个探测器成功进入火星轨道.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):中国和阿联酋各自的首个探测器成功进入火星轨道.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):加沙民众回收旧车的废旧金属出口获利.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):加沙民众回收旧车的废旧金属出口获利.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):加沙民众回收旧车的废旧金属出口获利.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):南苏丹运动员在日本坚持训练备战奥运.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):南苏丹运动员在日本坚持训练备战奥运.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):南苏丹运动员在日本坚持训练备战奥运.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):因为疫情,香港花农春节销量大降.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):因为疫情,香港花农春节销量大降.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):因为疫情,香港花农春节销量大降.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):拜登维持驻德美军规模,停止支持沙特对也门战争.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):拜登维持驻德美军规模,停止支持沙特对也门战争.mp3 28-Feb-2021 1.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):拜登维持驻德美军规模,停止支持沙特对也门战争.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):特斯拉公司宣称将接受比特币购买汽车.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):特斯拉公司宣称将接受比特币购买汽车.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):特斯拉公司宣称将接受比特币购买汽车.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):犯罪分子窃取了加州数十亿美元的失业救济金.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):犯罪分子窃取了加州数十亿美元的失业救济金.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):犯罪分子窃取了加州数十亿美元的失业救济金.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):第78届美国电影电视金球奖完整提名名单公布.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):第78届美国电影电视金球奖完整提名名单公布.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):第78届美国电影电视金球奖完整提名名单公布.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):缅甸军方为何接管政府?.lrc 28-Feb-2021 5.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):缅甸军方为何接管政府?.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):缅甸军方为何接管政府?.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.6K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):英国疫苗大臣称全球约有4000种新冠病毒变种.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):英国疫苗大臣称全球约有4000种新冠病毒变种.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕):英国疫苗大臣称全球约有4000种新冠病毒变种.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):全球约有4千种新冠变异病毒.lrc 14-Feb-2021 5.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):全球约有4千种新冠变异病毒.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):全球约有4千种新冠变异病毒.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):加沙汽车废弃厂扭亏为盈.lrc 17-Feb-2021 4.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):加沙汽车废弃厂扭亏为盈.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):加沙汽车废弃厂扭亏为盈.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):南苏丹运动员在日本备战奥运.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):南苏丹运动员在日本备战奥运.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):奥组委发布东京奥运规则手册.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):奥组委发布东京奥运规则手册.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):工作中进行英语会话的技巧.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):工作中进行英语会话的技巧.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):戴两只口罩防护力更强.lrc 15-Feb-2021 4.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):戴两只口罩防护力更强.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):戴两只口罩防护力更强-.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):拜登宣布暂停从德国撤军.lrc 14-Feb-2021 4.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):拜登宣布暂停从德国撤军.mp3 28-Feb-2021 1.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):拜登宣布暂停从德国撤军.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):推特发布新工具让用户协助识别错误信息.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):推特发布新工具让用户协助识别错误信息.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):日本10岁相扑小冠军85公斤.lrc 14-Feb-2021 5.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):日本10岁相扑小冠军85公斤.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):日本10岁相扑小冠军85公斤.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):最新研究表明满月会影响睡眠.lrc 15-Feb-2021 5.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):最新研究表明满月会影响睡眠.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):最新研究表明满月会影响睡眠.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):特斯拉宣布接受比特币购车.lrc 14-Feb-2021 5.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):特斯拉宣布接受比特币购车.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):特斯拉宣布接受比特币购车.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):疫情改变了学生的大学申请.lrc 14-Feb-2021 9.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):疫情改变了学生的大学申请.mp3 28-Feb-2021 7.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):疫情改变了学生的大学申请.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.6K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):疫情致香港花农春节销量大跌.lrc 14-Feb-2021 3.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):疫情致香港花农春节销量大跌.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):疫情致香港花农春节销量大跌.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.8K
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):疫情致香港花农春节销量大跌_0.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):研究表示俄罗斯的卫星-V疫苗安全且有效.lrc 14-Feb-2021 6.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):研究表示俄罗斯的卫星-V疫苗安全且有效.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):研究表示俄罗斯的卫星-V疫苗安全且有效.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):缅甸突然爆发军事政变.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):缅甸突然爆发军事政变.txt 28-Feb-2021 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):美国陆军放宽发型等军容规定.lrc 14-Feb-2021 5.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):美国陆军放宽发型等军容规定.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):美国陆军放宽发型等军容规定.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):美国食品药物管理局批准首个长效HIV组合治疗药物.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):美国食品药物管理局批准首个长效HIV组合治疗药物.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.6K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):美国首位黑人防长谈种族主义.lrc 14-Feb-2021 7.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):美国首位黑人防长谈种族主义.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):美国首位黑人防长谈种族主义.txt 28-Feb-2021 10K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):美国黄石公园最年长灰熊去世.mp3 28-Feb-2021 2.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):美国黄石公园最年长灰熊去世.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):越南人放生鲤鱼庆祝新年.lrc 14-Feb-2021 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):越南人放生鲤鱼庆祝新年.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):越南人放生鲤鱼庆祝新年.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):金球奖提名名单影片揭晓.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(翻译+讲解):金球奖提名名单影片揭晓.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):'William Wilson,' by Edgar Allan Poe, Part One.mp3 28-Feb-2021 10M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):'William Wilson,' by Edgar Allan Poe, Part One.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):'William Wilson,' by Edgar Allan Poe, Part Two.mp3 28-Feb-2021 10M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):'William Wilson,' by Edgar Allan Poe, Part Two.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):English First for Myanmar Protesters.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):English First for Myanmar Protesters.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Enrollment at US Community Colleges Drops Sharply During Pandemic.mp3 28-Feb-2021 7.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Enrollment at US Community Colleges Drops Sharply During Pandemic.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Global Warming Causes Earlier Pollen Season.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Global Warming Causes Earlier Pollen Season.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):How Should the History of Race, Slavery Be Taught in America.mp3 28-Feb-2021 7.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):How Should the History of Race, Slavery Be Taught in America-.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.2K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):How Should the History of Race, Slavery Be Taught in America-_0.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):How Will We Know When We Reach Herd Immunity.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):How Will We Know When We Reach Herd Immunity-.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):How to Enjoy Gardening in Winter.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):How to Enjoy Gardening in Winter.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):How to Gain Confidence in Your English Speaking.mp3 28-Feb-2021 8.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):How to Gain Confidence in Your English Speaking.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Indonesia Presses Diplomatic Efforts to Resolve Myanmar Crisis.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Indonesia Presses Diplomatic Efforts to Resolve Myanmar Crisis.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Late Arriving Cold Cuts Ice Fishing Time in the US.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Late Arriving Cold Cuts Ice Fishing Time in the US.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Libyans Mark 2011 Uprising with Eyes on Interim Government.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Libyans Mark 2011 Uprising with Eyes on Interim Government.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Man Seeks Freedom After Living in Church for Three Years.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Man Seeks Freedom After Living in Church for Three Years.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Memes Can Teach You English Grammar.mp3 28-Feb-2021 7.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Memes Can Teach You English Grammar.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):New Map of Mars Water Ice Can Help Identify Best Landing Spots.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):New Map of Mars Water Ice Can Help Identify Best Landing Spots.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Pandemic May Cancel Popular Dutch Ice-Skating Event.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Pandemic May Cancel Popular Dutch Ice-Skating Event.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Pandemic Pups Hit Dog Parks.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Pandemic Pups Hit Dog Parks.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Spacecraft, Pronouns and Grammar.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Spacecraft, Pronouns and Grammar.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Study:Plant-eating Dinosaurs Arrived Late to Northern Half of the World.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Study:Plant-eating Dinosaurs Arrived Late to Northern Half of the World.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):The Story of the First Black US Congressman.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):The Story of the First Black US Congressman.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):The Unique Invention of the American President.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):The Unique Invention of the American President.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Thousands of Sea Turtles Rescued on Texas Island Town.mp3 28-Feb-2021 7.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Thousands of Sea Turtles Rescued on Texas Island Town.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.4K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):US Schools Plan for Remote Learning into the Fall.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):US Schools Plan for Remote Learning into the Fall.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):What Lessons Will Students Learn from Reduced Class Time.mp3 28-Feb-2021 7.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):What Lessons Will Students Learn from Reduced Class Time-.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):World’s Oldest DNA Discovered in Million-Year-Old Mammoths.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):World’s Oldest DNA Discovered in Million-Year-Old Mammoths.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频):Young Senegalese Man Chases Dream of Racing Horses in France.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频):Young Senegalese Man Chases Dream of Racing Horses in France.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):‘Hug Tents’ Give Older America Needed Contact, Safely.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):‘Hug Tents’ Give Older America Needed Contact, Safely.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):‘Hug Tents’ Give Older America Needed Contact, Safely.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):'Carrying a Torch for Someone' Can Hurt A Lot.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):'Carrying a Torch for Someone' Can Hurt A Lot.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):'Carrying a Torch for Someone' Can Hurt A Lot.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.1K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):'Carrying a Torch for Someone' Can Hurt A Lot_0.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):'One-Trick Pony' Has Limits.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):'One-Trick Pony' Has Limits.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):'One-Trick Pony' Has Limits.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):A Black-Italian Designer Aims to Change Italy’s Fashion Industry.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):A Black-Italian Designer Aims to Change Italy’s Fashion Industry.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):A Black-Italian Designer Aims to Change Italy’s Fashion Industry.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):After Engine Incident, Boeing Calls for Grounding 777 Jets.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):After Engine Incident, Boeing Calls for Grounding 777 Jets.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):After Engine Incident, Boeing Calls for Grounding 777 Jets.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ancient Instrument Still Plays After 18,000 Years.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.9K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ancient Instrument Still Plays After 18,000 Years.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ancient Instrument Still Plays After 18,000 Years.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.1K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Ancient Instrument Still Plays After 18,000 Years_0.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):COVID-19 Vaccines Might Be Changed to Fight New Versions of Virus.lrc 28-Feb-2021 6.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):COVID-19 Vaccines Might Be Changed to Fight New Versions of Virus.mp3 28-Feb-2021 7.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):COVID-19 Vaccines Might Be Changed to Fight New Versions of Virus.txt 28-Feb-2021 14K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Cancer Survivor Looks Forward to Joining Private Space Flight.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Cancer Survivor Looks Forward to Joining Private Space Flight.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Cancer Survivor Looks Forward to Joining Private Space Flight.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Differences between ‘Security’ and ‘Safety’.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Differences between ‘Security’ and ‘Safety’.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Differences between ‘Security’ and ‘Safety’.txt 28-Feb-2021 6.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Facebook Removes News Ban in Australia.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Facebook Removes News Ban in Australia.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Facebook Removes News Ban in Australia.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Freeze!.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Freeze!.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Freeze!.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.7K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):French Bread Makers Seek UN Recognition of the Baguette.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):French Bread Makers Seek UN Recognition of the Baguette.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):French Bread Makers Seek UN Recognition of the Baguette.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):How to Deal with New COVID-19 Variants.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):How to Deal with New COVID-19 Variants.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):How to Deal with New COVID-19 Variants.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):In Nevada, Technology Firm Seeks Government Power.lrc 28-Feb-2021 5.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):In Nevada, Technology Firm Seeks Government Power.mp3 28-Feb-2021 7.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):In Nevada, Technology Firm Seeks Government Power.txt 28-Feb-2021 13K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):In an Unusual Move, Facebook Blocks News in Australia.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):In an Unusual Move, Facebook Blocks News in Australia.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):In an Unusual Move, Facebook Blocks News in Australia.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Israel:Vaccine Campaign Slowing Because of Misinformation.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Israel:Vaccine Campaign Slowing Because of Misinformation.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.3M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Israel:Vaccine Campaign Slowing Because of Misinformation.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Lebanese Group Helps Health Workers.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Lebanese Group Helps Health Workers.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Lebanese Group Helps Health Workers.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Machine Learning Used to Predict Where New Coronaviruses Might Develop Next.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Machine Learning Used to Predict Where New Coronaviruses Might Develop Next.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.9M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Machine Learning Used to Predict Where New Coronaviruses Might Develop Next.txt 28-Feb-2021 11K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Mekong River Drops to ‘Worrying’ Levels.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Mekong River Drops to ‘Worrying’ Levels.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Mekong River Drops to ‘Worrying’ Levels.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi Faces New Charge From Military Government.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi Faces New Charge From Military Government.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi Faces New Charge From Military Government.txt 28-Feb-2021 10K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):New Study:Black Hole May Be Larger Than Expected.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):New Study:Black Hole May Be Larger Than Expected.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):New Study:Black Hole May Be Larger Than Expected.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Pakistan, India Reach Rare Deal to Honor Kashmir Truce.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Pakistan, India Reach Rare Deal to Honor Kashmir Truce.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Pakistan, India Reach Rare Deal to Honor Kashmir Truce.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):People Rediscover Old Hobbies During Pandemic.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):People Rediscover Old Hobbies During Pandemic.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):People Rediscover Old Hobbies During Pandemic.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.8K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Report:Newly Found Chameleon May Be World’s Smallest Reptile.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Report:Newly Found Chameleon May Be World’s Smallest Reptile.mp3 28-Feb-2021 2.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Report:Newly Found Chameleon May Be World’s Smallest Reptile.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.2K
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Report:Newly Found Chameleon May Be World’s Smallest Reptile_0.txt 28-Feb-2021 3.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Restaurants Feed COVID Doctors, Nurses to Survive.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Restaurants Feed COVID Doctors, Nurses to Survive.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.5M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Restaurants Feed COVID Doctors, Nurses to Survive.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Sheep with 35 Kilograms of Wool Finally Gets a Haircut.lrc 28-Feb-2021 1.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Sheep with 35 Kilograms of Wool Finally Gets a Haircut.mp3 28-Feb-2021 2.2M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Sheep with 35 Kilograms of Wool Finally Gets a Haircut.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.0K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Study:Black Americans Want Religious Services to Deal with Racial Equality.lrc 28-Feb-2021 5.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Study:Black Americans Want Religious Services to Deal with Racial Equality.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Study:Black Americans Want Religious Services to Deal with Racial Equality.txt 28-Feb-2021 4.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):The Difference Between Up to, Until, and Till.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):The Difference Between Up to, Until, and Till.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.7M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):The Difference Between Up to, Until, and Till.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):The Influence of America’s First Ladies.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):The Influence of America’s First Ladies.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):The Influence of America’s First Ladies.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.3K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Tiger Woods Faces Long Recovery after Car Crash.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Tiger Woods Faces Long Recovery after Car Crash.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Tiger Woods Faces Long Recovery after Car Crash.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.9K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Congress Proposes Law to Give Citizenship to Millions.lrc 28-Feb-2021 5.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Congress Proposes Law to Give Citizenship to Millions.mp3 28-Feb-2021 6.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Congress Proposes Law to Give Citizenship to Millions.txt 28-Feb-2021 12K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Health Agency Issues New Guidelines to Safely Reopen Schools.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Health Agency Issues New Guidelines to Safely Reopen Schools.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Health Agency Issues New Guidelines to Safely Reopen Schools.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Needs to Do More to Prepare for Dangerous Weather, Experts Say.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.8K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Needs to Do More to Prepare for Dangerous Weather, Experts Say.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Needs to Do More to Prepare for Dangerous Weather, Experts Say.txt 28-Feb-2021 8.5K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Scientists Announce First Successful Clone of Endangered Animal.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Scientists Announce First Successful Clone of Endangered Animal.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):US Scientists Announce First Successful Clone of Endangered Animal.txt 28-Feb-2021 7.6K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Younger Americans Leaving Cities for Low-cost Homes in Other Places.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Younger Americans Leaving Cities for Low-cost Homes in Other Places.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕):Younger Americans Leaving Cities for Low-cost Homes in Other Places.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.4K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕+翻译):California Nurse Follows Mother’s Footsteps in Fighting Pandemic.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕+翻译):California Nurse Follows Mother’s Footsteps in Fighting Pandemic.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.6M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕+翻译):California Nurse Follows Mother’s Footsteps in Fighting Pandemic.txt 28-Feb-2021 14K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕+翻译):Math Expert:All COVID Virus in the World Would Fit in a Soda Can.lrc 28-Feb-2021 1.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕+翻译):Math Expert:All COVID Virus in the World Would Fit in a Soda Can.mp3 28-Feb-2021 1.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+字幕+翻译):Math Expert:All COVID Virus in the World Would Fit in a Soda Can.txt 28-Feb-2021 5.2K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):伦敦动物园受疫情影响艰难维持运营.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.1K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):伦敦动物园受疫情影响艰难维持运营.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):伦敦动物园受疫情影响艰难维持运营.txt 28-Feb-2021 12K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):印度欲寻找新冠病毒病例大幅下降原因.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.6K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):印度欲寻找新冠病毒病例大幅下降原因.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.8M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):印度欲寻找新冠病毒病例大幅下降原因.txt 28-Feb-2021 18K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):日本开始给本国民众接种新冠肺炎疫苗.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.5K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):日本开始给本国民众接种新冠肺炎疫苗.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.4M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):日本开始给本国民众接种新冠肺炎疫苗.txt 28-Feb-2021 14K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):美国宇航局毅力号探测器在火星成功降落.lrc 28-Feb-2021 3.2K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):美国宇航局毅力号探测器在火星成功降落.mp3 28-Feb-2021 4.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):美国宇航局毅力号探测器在火星成功降落.txt 28-Feb-2021 13K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):美国新冠肺炎死亡人数超过50万.lrc 28-Feb-2021 2.3K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):美国新冠肺炎死亡人数超过50万.mp3 28-Feb-2021 3.0M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):美国新冠肺炎死亡人数超过50万.txt 28-Feb-2021 9.1K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):美国科学家对恐龙灭绝原因有了新发现.lrc 28-Feb-2021 4.0K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):美国科学家对恐龙灭绝原因有了新发现.mp3 28-Feb-2021 5.1M
文本 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):美国科学家对恐龙灭绝原因有了新发现.txt 28-Feb-2021 15K
字幕 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):高尔夫球手泰格·伍兹遭车祸受伤.lrc 28-Feb-2021 1.7K
音频 VOA慢速英语(音频+翻译+字幕):高尔夫球手泰格·伍兹遭车祸受伤.mp3 28-Feb-2021 1.9M
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