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jump seat

时间:2021-12-18 20:04:16



jump:    vi. 1.跳,跳跃,跳起;弹跳,跳动。 2.(用降落伞 ...

seat:    n. 1.座;座位;席位;席次。 2.椅子;凳子。 3. ...

a folding seat in an automobile

A jump seat (or jumpseat), in aviation refers to an auxiliary seat for individuals ? other than normal passengers ? who are not operating the aircraft. In general, the term 'jump seat' can also refer to a seat ? in any type of vehicle ? which can fold up out of the way; vehicles include carriages, automobiles, vans, busses, fire tenders, and taxicabs.


Until last week couriers were usually allowed to sit in the " jump seat " near the captain of the plane in order to supervise their precious cargo but that practice has now been stopped
