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时间:2021-06-13 11:38:01

I studied English at school.


A When did you start learning English?

A 你什么时候开始学的英语?

B At school. I studied English at school.

B 上学的时候。我在学校学的英语。

A That’s a good foundation at least.

A 那至少是一个很好的基础。

B Yes, I suppose it was. But, you know, like most kids, I didn’t realise how important English was. I was too young.

B 是的,我想是这样。但是,你知道,像大多数孩子一样,我那时并没有意识到英语有多么重要。我那时太小了。

A It’s the same everywhere! I studied French at school, but for me it was just another subject. I wish I could do it again.

A 哪里都一样! 我在学校学的法语,但是对我来说法语就是一个科目。我希望我还能再学一次。

B Well, now I do know how important it is – so I’m practising as much as I can.

B 哦,现在我的确知道它有多么重要了——所以我尽可能地多多练习。

Notes 注释

1 If you are talking about your time at school, you can say: I studied English at school / I studied English at school.

如果你在谈论你在学校的学习时光,你可以说:I studied English at school /我在学校学的英语。

2 You can use know how . . . / know how . . . in a sentence in various ways, e.g.: I know how important English is / I know how important English is; I know how to cook good rice dishes / I know how to cook good rice dishes; I know how to get to the Summer Palace / I know how to get to the Summer Palace.

你可以在很多情形下用know how . . . / 知道如何 . . 。例如:I know how important English is /我知道英语是多么重要; I know how to cook good rice dishes / 我知道怎么做米饭; I know how to get to the Summer Palace /我知道怎么去颐和园。

Key phrases and sentences

When did you start learning English?

At school. I studied English at school.

That’s a good foundation at least.

Yes, I suppose it was.

But, you know, like most kids, I didn’t realise how important English was.

I was too young.

It’s the same everywhere!

I studied French at school, but for me it was just another subject.

I wish I could do it again.

Well, now I do know how important it is – so I’m practising as much as I can.












