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Jump in and get your feet wet 到实践中去学习取得经验

时间:2021-06-13 11:31:05

  中国有句俗话:常在河边走,哪能不湿鞋。把鞋子弄湿可不是什么好事情,它比喻某些人抵制不了环境的诱惑而做出不正当或者不正经的勾当。然而,在美国成语里,把脚弄湿却是一件好事。比如,许多初学英语的人都因难为情而不敢开口。于是老师很可能会这么劝这些学生: "Jump in and get your feet wet. " Jump in and get your feet wet 这个俗语的意思就是:到实践中去学习取得经验。

例如:I know most of you are afraid to embarrass yourselves by trying to speak English. But that’s the best way to learn: when you meet an American, try a few words--jump in and get your feet wet.


又如:I want to get into politics so I’m volunteering to put up signs for one of the people running for mayor. I don’t get paid for it but it’s a chance to jump in and get my feet wet.

