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《英语口语天天练第二期》PART 2听力音频打包下载(音频+文本)


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音频第85课:What do you think of homeschooling.mp312-May-20195.1M
文本第85课:What do you think of homeschooling-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第86课:Do you like spicy food.mp312-May-20193.1M
文本第86课:Do you like spicy food-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第87课:What is the spiciest thing you have ever eaten.mp312-May-20194.7M
文本第87课:What is the spiciest thing you have ever eaten-.txt12-May-20191.7K
音频第88课:What food do you absolutely hate.mp312-May-20193.1M
文本第88课:What food do you absolutely hate-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第89课:What food do you know you shouldn’t eat but can’t help yourself.mp312-May-20194.0M
文本第89课:What food do you know you shouldn’t eat but can’t help yourself-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第90课:Should the government regulate fast food.mp312-May-20193.4M
文本第90课:Should the government regulate fast food-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第91课:What do you think of buffets.mp312-May-20193.4M
文本第91课:What do you think of buffets-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第92课:What would you want your last meal to be if you were on death row.mp312-May-20194.9M
文本第92课:What would you want your last meal to be if you were on death row-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第93课:Time freezes for everyone but you for one day. What do you do.mp312-May-20192.5M
文本第93课:Time freezes for everyone but you for one day. What do you do-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第94课:If you could call up anyone in the world, who would you call.mp312-May-20193.9M
文本第94课:If you could call up anyone in the world, who would you call-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第95课:You have to relive one day of your life forever. Which day do you choose.mp312-May-20194.6M
文本第95课:You have to relive one day of your life forever. Which day do you choose-.txt12-May-20191.7K
音频第96课:A portal to another world opens in front of you.What do you do.mp312-May-20194.5M
文本第96课:A portal to another world opens in front of you.What do you do-.txt12-May-20191.7K
音频第97课:If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time.mp312-May-20193.8M
文本第97课:If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第98课:What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue.mp312-May-20192.5M
文本第98课:What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第99课:What job would you be terrible at.mp312-May-20192.6M
文本第99课:What job would you be terrible at-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第100课:When was the last time you climbed a tree.mp312-May-20194.2M
文本第100课:When was the last time you climbed a tree-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第101课:If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport.mp312-May-20192.6M
文本第101课:If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第102课:What game or movie universe would you most like to live in.mp312-May-20192.8M
文本第102课:What game or movie universe would you most like to live in-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第103课:Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished.mp312-May-20194.3M
文本第103课:Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished-.txt12-May-20191.8K
音频第104课:What age do you wish you could permanently be.mp312-May-20193.2M
文本第104课:What age do you wish you could permanently be-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第105课:What is a luxury that you can't live without.mp312-May-20194.9M
文本第105课:What is a luxury that you can't live without-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第106课:What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way.mp312-May-20193.9M
文本第106课:What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第107课:What is the most heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen.mp312-May-20193.7M
文本第107课:What is the most heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第108课:What is the most annoying question that people ask you.mp312-May-20194.0M
文本第108课:What is the most annoying question that people ask you-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第109课:What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with no preparation.mp312-May-20193.7M
文本第109课:What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with no preparation-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第110课:What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their live.mp312-May-20193.9M
文本第110课:What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their live.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第111课:What is something you used to be obsessed with but hate now.mp312-May-20193.0M
文本第111课:What is something you used to be obsessed with but hate now-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第112课:What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years.mp312-May-20193.2M
文本第112课:What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第113课:What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but....mp312-May-20193.5M
文本第113课:What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but....txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第114课:What’s the best thing that happened to you last week.mp312-May-20193.6M
文本第114课:What’s the best thing that happened to you last week-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第115课:If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have.mp312-May-20194.1M
文本第115课:If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第116课:What amazing thing did you do that no one was around to see.mp312-May-20194.0M
文本第116课:What amazing thing did you do that no one was around to see-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第117课:How different was your life one year ago.mp312-May-20192.7M
文本第117课:How different was your life one year ago-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第118课:What fad or trend do you hope comes back.mp312-May-20192.8M
文本第118课:What fad or trend do you hope comes back-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第119课:If you suddenly became a master at woodworking, what would you make.mp312-May-20193.7M
文本第119课:If you suddenly became a master at woodworking, what would you make-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第120课:What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you.mp312-May-20194.3M
文本第120课:What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第121课:What are some things you’ve had to unlearn.mp312-May-20192.9M
文本第121课:What are some things you’ve had to unlearn-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第122课:What one thing do you really want but can’t afford.mp312-May-20193.1M
文本第122课:What one thing do you really want but can’t afford-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第123课:What question can you ask to find out the most about a person.mp312-May-20193.5M
文本第123课:What question can you ask to find out the most about a person-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第124课:What was the best compliment you’ve received.mp312-May-20195.4M
文本第124课:What was the best compliment you’ve received-.txt12-May-20191.8K
音频第125课:As the only human left on Earth, what would you do.mp312-May-20194.2M
文本第125课:As the only human left on Earth, what would you do-.txt12-May-20191.7K
音频第126课:What did you think you would grow out of but never did.mp312-May-20194.1M
文本第126课:What did you think you would grow out of but never did-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第127课:What is something you will NEVER do again.mp312-May-20193.3M
文本第127课:What is something you will NEVER do again-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第128课:What do you spend the most time thinking about.mp312-May-20193.3M
文本第128课:What do you spend the most time thinking about-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第129课:What do you wish your brain was better at doing.mp312-May-20193.9M
文本第129课:What do you wish your brain was better at doing-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第130课:What dumb accomplishment are you most proud of.mp312-May-20194.0M
文本第130课:What dumb accomplishment are you most proud of-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第131课:If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow.mp312-May-20192.8M
文本第131课:If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第132课:What stereotype do you completely live up to.mp312-May-20196.1M
文本第132课:What stereotype do you completely live up to-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第133课:What is something you can never seem to finish.mp312-May-20192.8M
文本第133课:What is something you can never seem to finish-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第134课:As you get older, what are you becoming more and more afraid of.mp312-May-20193.6M
文本第134课:As you get older, what are you becoming more and more afraid of-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第135课:What are your favorite smells.mp312-May-20193.0M
文本第135课:What are your favorite smells-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第136课:If you could convince everyone to do one thing at one point in time.mp312-May-20193.1M
文本第136课:If you could convince everyone to do one thing at one point in time.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第137课:What’s something you are self-conscious about.mp312-May-20194.3M
文本第137课:What’s something you are self-conscious about-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第138课:What small gesture from a stranger made a big impact on you.mp312-May-20193.6M
文本第138课:What small gesture from a stranger made a big impact on you-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第139课:What gets you fired up.mp312-May-20192.7M
文本第139课:What gets you fired up-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第140课:What irrational fear do you have.mp312-May-20193.6M
文本第140课:What irrational fear do you have-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第141课:What’s the best advice you have ever received.mp312-May-20195.3M
文本第141课:What’s the best advice you have ever received-.txt12-May-20191.9K
音频第142课:What is the worst piece of advice you have ever received.mp312-May-20194.6M
文本第142课:What is the worst piece of advice you have ever received-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第143课:What’s the last adventure you went on.mp312-May-20192.8M
文本第143课:What’s the last adventure you went on-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第144课:Are you usually early or late.mp312-May-20193.1M
文本第144课:Are you usually early or late-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第145课:When do you feel truly “alive”.mp312-May-20193.5M
文本第145课:When do you feel truly “alive”-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第146课:What do you like most about your family.mp312-May-20192.7M
文本第146课:What do you like most about your family-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第147课:What was the story behind your biggest scar.mp312-May-20193.1M
文本第147课:What was the story behind your biggest scar-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第148课:What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned.mp312-May-20194.6M
文本第148课:What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned-.txt12-May-20191.7K
音频第149课:What mistake do you keep making again and again.mp312-May-20194.1M
文本第149课:What mistake do you keep making again and again-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第150课:What is something that you like but people think is weird.mp312-May-20193.2M
文本第150课:What is something that you like but people think is weird-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第151课:What is a personal rule that you’ll never break.mp312-May-20193.1M
文本第151课:What is a personal rule that you’ll never break-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第152课:What do you want to be remembered for.mp312-May-20193.5M
文本第152课:What do you want to be remembered for-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第153课:What do you regret not doing or starting when you were younger.mp312-May-20193.7M
文本第153课:What do you regret not doing or starting when you were younger-.txt12-May-20191.7K
音频第154课:What blows your mind every time you think about it.mp312-May-20193.8M
文本第154课:What blows your mind every time you think about it-.txt12-May-20191.6K
音频第155课:What’s the best thing you got from your parents.mp312-May-20192.9M
文本第155课:What’s the best thing you got from your parents-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第156课:If your childhood had a smell, what would it be.mp312-May-20192.6M
文本第156课:If your childhood had a smell, what would it be-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第157课:What’s the best and worst thing about getting older.mp312-May-20192.8M
文本第157课:What’s the best and worst thing about getting older-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第158课:What is something someone said that forever changed your way of thinking.mp312-May-20194.2M
文本第158课:What is something someone said that forever changed your way of thinking-.txt12-May-20191.8K
音频第159课:What chance encounter changed your life forever.mp312-May-20192.4M
文本第159课:What chance encounter changed your life forever-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第160课:What’s the most surprising realization you’ve had.mp312-May-20193.2M
文本第160课:What’s the most surprising realization you’ve had-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第161课:What lie do you tell most often.mp312-May-20192.4M
文本第161课:What lie do you tell most often-.txt12-May-20191.4K
音频第162课:What are you most insecure about.mp312-May-20194.2M
文本第162课:What are you most insecure about-.txt12-May-20191.7K
音频第163课:What animal would be the cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat.mp312-May-20192.9M
文本第163课:What animal would be the cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat-.txt12-May-20191.5K
音频第164课:When did something start out badly for you but in the end, it was great.mp312-May-20194.9M
文本第164课:When did something start out badly for you but in the end, it was great-.txt12-May-20191.9K
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